What would the Apostle Paul do…

6 minutes

I listened today to a few short interview questions put to N.T Wright. He is an English Theologian that I have enjoyed listening to at various times and who has studied the life of Paul in great depth. His answers really got me thinking about what is the need of the world and the response of the Church right now in this generation.

The first question was…

‘What are you encouraged by when you look at the Church today?’

When places are being the model of what a genuine multicultural congregation is supposed to be. The people of God are supposed to be the new humanity, we are supposed to represent the differences and where every background is drawn to.

‘What are the most prominent lessons todays Church leaders could learn from early Church leaders?’

He says that the point of Christianity was that God would renew this earth. The Church is to be a model of what new Heaven new Earth will be like. On Earth as it is in Heaven. We are supposed to be building ‘for’ the Kingdom. Colossians 4 … “My fellow workers for the Kingdom”. What we do here in creating communities that reflect God’s love matters, we are sowing seeds that in the mercy of God it can grow in to a great plant.

If Paul were alive today – where do you think he would be starting Churches and why?

Paul planted where there were no churches, there is almost no where like that now. We don’t necessarily need more churches where there are many. Perhaps we can support existing churches with what they are lacking? Rather than splitting off and going in different directions.

The first thing Paul would be worried about in our day – is the lack of unity. When he wrote to the Romans (where there where many different house churches) He stressed that you need to figure out how to do this together! With ONE heart and voice! And whatever is getting in the way of that treat that as secondary – in order that you can concentrate on the unity! ..We have such a long way to catch up.

Paul’s agenda – to plant the flag which says ‘Jesus is Lord!’ – in places where Ceaser was Lord. Hence wanting to get to Spain. Now who is Ceaser of today? What are the human rivals to Jesus? – That is the question.

If Paul wrote a letter to the West today what would it entale?

Unity and New Creation.

New Creation made out of the old one, the model is the resurrection of Jesus. We are the same people – but transformed!

Grasp the original vision of Creation in Genesis 1&2. See in Mark 10 Jesus being asked about divorce – Jesus said – from the beginning it was one man and one women for life. Get the original creation project back on track and then the world will see who the creator God really is.

My thoughts…

Interestingly for me this morning I was talking with my children about Adam and Eve and the verse that we spoke on was Genesis 3:16 – “Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” The curse spoken to women. I wrote about it years ago here.

The great issues of our days particularly in the western world many Christians will say are …. ‘gender identity’ / ‘same sex marriage’ / ‘crime’ / ‘drugs & alcohol abuse’.

But I believe the root of all of this is the break down of the family – the mess of marriage. That for me is where Churches should be focussing and investing and sowing in to most.

In so doing we will restore God’s original plan of one man and one women committed to one another in pure love.

From what I see there are 2 common barriers. Essentially they are Love and Respect. I would encourage you to get the best book on this. The point is that women within marriage generally have an essential need to know they are loved by their husband. And the husband generally has an aching essential need to know that he is respected by his wife.

Tragically, every day in so many marriages we re-enact the curse of creation. A wife finds it hard to impossible to respect her husband as head of the family. And as Genesis 3:16 says tries to rule her husband, or change him, or nag him or disrespect him. And sadly as is a common weakness for many men is to show their genuine love and appreciation and care for their wives. Sometimes this manifests in full blown adultery and so many marriages have ended due to the husband being unfaithful. So many of us men are afflicted far too much with the lust of the eyes and that brings a curse into and upon the family also. Or he simply struggles to show and share his love.

What will I do?

It is so alarming to me that I wrote a blog post on this site all the way back in 2014. I was so young 29 years old. Now its just become 2024 and I am 39. Still fairly young in the age of marriage and raising a family! However I am a lot older than I was. With a great deal more experience now.

My desire in response to N.T Wrights comments about what Paul would do today…. Is to fight for unity – to continue to work more alongside other churches, missions and Christian initiatives.

And also importantly to raise the flag higher for the Godly family. Personally to be so consistent and faithful in my love for and towards my wife. So that she can always easily show me the respect I need and desire too. So that there is no curse within our family.

I desire to write and blog many thoughts here a lot more this year as taking the time to construct something in words, does cement the thoughts that may be going round and round for some time.

Ultimately though to build a culture around my own family and friends, my church community and work community, and then anyone who would like to read blogs, that says that Jesus is Lord of Marriage and that He is the Hope for it and for the world.